STD testing in the private sector

In what my friend The Sexademic calls “an interesting move for the private sector” we now have STD Test Express, a fully private STD testing website. I pinged her before posting because Sexademic has been exploring more ‘open source’ options for STD tests lately, and we just took an STD/STI update class where it was reinforced that testing isn’t always there when you need it. For instance, you pretty much can’t get tested for Herpes in San Francisco right now unless you’ve had known exposure; the test is just too expensive and lots of people have it in some variation… I found this site from their enjoyable blog, notably a recent post about their recent survey where they found that “1 in 3 people will still have sex with someone who refuses to get an STD test…even after being asked to get tested…even though they know ‘they shouldn’t.'” I also liked their post about Ozzy Osbourne’s Russian Roulette with sex. It’s just like ChatRoulette and Jon Stewart’s succinct description that it’s “five chambers” of cock.

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