Playboy is my Daddy

Big front page update, check it out. Exciting news — Playboy is flying me to LA to be on their Sexcetera show! I’m pretty excited, especially because they’re having me direct an oral sex scene, and from what the producer has been telling me, it’ll be the most explicit segment they’ve ever done. Yay! And you know, it’s funny — I always think of Playboy as where grown-up boys go to see their sister’s Barbies naked. I think directing sex will be fun — and at the very least, it’ll be really weird to tell other people what to do to each other’s genitals. It’s actually kind of a fantasy of mine, to direct a couple (now lick here, etc.). One couple wrote me recently asking for advice on getting their sex life back in gear, and I fantasized about giving them assignments and expecting reports. Maybe I should.

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