I got this email from my pal erotic writer Sage Vivant (we’ve worked together quite often over the years) about a writer in our community, and felt I should reprint it here as I know several people who will want to know that Jamie is okay: “Today we learned that New Orleans-based erotica writer Jamie…

The hot straight girl (with glasses) sent me this audio clip of New Orleans Mayor Nagin (via C&L, MP3 file). I cried and cried and cried, while trying to finish a harrowing week site managing Fleshbot. Listen to it. All the way to the end. You have to. It made me very, very pissed off…

I live in San Francisco, but the situation in New Orleans has stopped my life. I have a lot to explain and share, but for now I’m the site manager at Fleshbot and will be for an unforseeable amount of time. Jonno is safe and dry, though things are still intense. I just found this…

But I didn’t bring my pajamas, oh no! What will I sleep in? Seriously, I just finally heard from Jonno and he writes, “It looks like we won’t be able to get back to New Orleans until the end of the week/weekend at the earliest. The governor’s office is telling everyone who evacuated that they’re…

The news is saying that hurricane Katrina will be touching down in New Orleans within the next 10 hours with expected winds of 160 mph and is likely to put the city under over 20 feet of water, and they are estimating that 80% of the homes there will be destroyed. Jonno lives in New…

It’s confusing, it’s offensive in places for a number of reasons, but it’s impossible to stop reading this blog entry, “curiosities from Japan’s porno shops”. He’s obviously got little comfort around sex toys but his exploration is personal and interesting, even if it finally solves the riddle about what kind of guy still uses the…

HotHardCock’s handjob videos are making it difficult for me to finish the Sex Blog Roundup today. Jonno will be mad that I am so easily distracted by penises. He should know by now how much I like the penis. Thusly, my brain is fragmented and I’m going to keep this post going while I work…

My SFist column is up: a very snarkified guide to safer sex at Burning Man called “SFisting: That Burning Sensation”. Read at your own risk, if you like the event plan to be offended by my article, blah blah blah…

First, I know quite a few readers follow my sex blogging at Fleshbot, and this week (8/22-8/26) I’ve been released from the fleshy dungeon so I can work on a book and generally make trouble; you’ll see a lot more of me around here as I’ll be tidying and updating Tiny Nibbles (read: procrastinating my…

There is a TV show I love. It’s called Deadwood. I’ve watched it from the beginning, and it has enough sex, nudity, profanity, wrongness, historical accuracy and incredible character work (not to mention jaw-droppingly amazing writing) to keep me hooked. Apparently last night my hot friends Coop and Ruth lived a dream for me. Ruth…