Sex News: Magic 8-Ball butt plug, Indonesia bans Tumblr, UK porn age checks, Dan Savage on cuckold

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  • Indonesia has banned popular social media site Tumblr, along with nearly 500 other websites, in a massive clampdown on the sharing of porn online. The move comes less than a week after messaging app Line was forced to ditch emoji depicting same-sex couples and transgender people in the region after the Indonesian government claimed it was negatively influencing children.
    Indonesia bans Tumblr in massive porn crackdown (The Next Web)

Thanks to our sponsor in Spain, women-run Lust Cinema.

  • The UK government will make all porn sites introduce mandatory “robust” age checks, it has announced. A consultation from the Department for Culture Media and Sport said “commercial providers” of porn should have verification controls to stop under 18s viewing the content. Companies that don’t comply may face fines from a new porn regulator, or have their websites shut down.
    UK’s porn age checks set ‘dangerous’ precedent (Wired UK)
  • “Zheng is part of a growing community of asexuals, or people who are not sexually attracted to any gender, who are attracted to the kink scene because they like touch, relationships, sensation, and power dynamics — all reasons that have nothing to do with sex itself. Many say that because kink focuses so much on negotiation and consent, this environment feels safer than traditional relationships, where sex is usually expected.”
    Can You Be Asexual, but Also Enjoy Kink? (Cosmopolitan, via Morgana Maye)

Much gratitude to our thoughtful sponsor, Nubile Films.

  • Warning for survivors of sexual assault and trauma. This opens up an unexpected discussion about VR porn from a male perspective versus from a female one — and potential unintended effects of VR porn on survivors of sexual assault. “I find female perspective VR porn really unsettling to experience, and I think that’s largely down to the porn industry designing VR porn from a very male centric perspective. … Want the experience to speed up or slow down? Not a choice. Want the experience to spend longer warming up? Not an option? Starting to feel uncomfortable and want to stop? Not an option within the simulation.”
    Female Perspective VR Porn left me deeply unsettled (, thank you Samantha!)
  • “They claim to be fighting sex trafficking, which federal law defines as the recruitment, harboring, transportation or obtaining of a person for commercial sex through the use of force, fraud or coercion. … There’s one big problem with that narrative: There’s little evidence that these web sites abet sex trafficking. But we do know that shutting them down these makes life more dangerous for sex workers.”
    Sex work is safer online than on the street (Los Angeles Times)
  • “Another week, another example of how topsy-turvy our understanding of “sex trafficking” has become in America. This latest case comes out of Kansas, where a Chinese woman offering sexual services from a Wichita massage parlor has both been described by law enforcement as a victim of sex trafficking and been convicted of prostitution.”
    Sex-Trafficking Victim Arrested for Selling Sex (Reason)

Thank you to our sponsor in Holland, Abby Winters.

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