[Video] Lynx Explains the Rules to Rugby

With a hands-on demonstration by two tough-looking, yet quite jiggly femmme teams, Lynx Body Spray is delighted to give us a quick, 2-minute rundown on the rules to rugby. It’s especially helpful for us Americans – and an important point of fact here is that Lynx is the European (and Aussie/NZ) version of Axe Body Spray. Except Lynx has better scents, and sexier ads. Oh – and for some weird reason, they didn’t make this video easily shareable in the US when they released it to the rest of the internet at the end of September. If this embed goes away, let me know and I’ll pop another one in :)

Found via Sex, Love & Guadriole.

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  1. This is specifically the rules of Ruby Union, yet fails to say so. There is also Rugby League, which doesn’t have rucks and mauls (among other differences) and is generally a faster game with more running and passing making it more interesting to watch.

  2. I saw this before the beginning of the World Cup, and I have to say that it’s the best RWC-themed commercial I’ve seen! But then, what’s there not to love about rugby and scantily clad ladies?

    @ Dr.C: it’s particularly weird to see a commercial being region-restricted, since they should be happy to have as many people as possible see it (and it was viewable over here, in France, where they sell it under the Axe brand name – so I don’t think it’s just to avoid confusion with their different brand names)… I’d understand if they had made it unavailable in New Zealand though, since the girls in black apparently didn’t win! :D

  3. Brilliant! As a New Zealander, I can assume Lynx made this for the Rugby World Cup, which we’ve just hosted – and the Australians (that’d be the green and gold team) did not beat the New Zealanders (known as the All Blacks). Maybe that’s why this commercial never aired here, given that the team in black took home the cup. These women are FAR more delightful to watch than our usual teams thought, that’s for sure. Not a cauliflower ear in sight. Thanks Violet!

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