Monday nibbles

Image by new discovery Johannes Schwab (

It’s very nice to be back; Tiny Nibbles was up and down all day (thanks to everyone who let me know and sent me data), and it was more than a little heart wrenching. I tend to hyperventilate when something happens to my site; I’ve been hacked once before and that was a weekend of drama. Fortunately I’m on Laughing Squid with the help desk staff of my dreams, and somewhere in the background ninja elves restored my beloved home. And @dotBen did a ton of work sleuthing it out, too. I am very lucky.

In the meantime, surprisingly, the world continued. And coughed up a lot of really crazy sex news…

* A school district in Riverside County, California pulled all copies of Merriam-Webster’s dictionary from their shelves because it contains a definition for ‘oral sex.’ And we can’t have kids having their questions about sex answered with factual sex information, can we? (

* I love, love, love Midori‘s new column A Gentleman’s Guide to Online Sex. It’s packed with excellent profile do’s and dont’s, even the seemingly obvious ‘no cock shots’ suggestion, and profile examples. (

* Google’s Nexus One won’t tolerate your potty mouth; it censors profanity, whether you like it or not. “One other thing. I have a Croatian friend. If I ever got a Nexus One, I would like to be able to address him by his name. His name is Fuk.” (

* You can always just say really vile sex-laced insults in Cantonese instead thanks to this hilarious video tutorial. (, thanks Viviane)

* Great comic by XKCD about data storage fetish. You know you have one. (

* The best coverage of the Prop 8 trial (Perry vs. Schwarzenegger) is being done over at The Accidental Activist. Juicy and relevant, it features details we aren’t seeing in the press but should, such as “The biggest news of the day, however, is the plaintiffs’ exhibiting of a document showing the Mormon Church wanted to hide its involvement in Yes on 8 within the realm of “plausible deniability”…” (

* Keeping an eye on how the mainstream adult industry is going to reshape itself if it’s going to survive the next few years, there’s an informative article about Clips4Sale’s business model at xBiz. It reads a little like a regurgitated press release but it’s quite interesting. (

* Gender nightmares coming true at the Olympics: the International Olympic Committee is calling for (shudder) “mandatory treatment” for athletes whose gender is “ambiguous.” This is so shades of sex reassignment surgery circa 1960s for intersex kids… I hope someone stops the IOC before they hurt someone. (

* Condom thieves strike in Mumbai, while China is scandalized by counterfeit condoms — you just can’t win for losing your latex in Asia these days. Unfortunately some of the knock-off condoms have reached the US market. (,

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