Agent Provocateur’s sexy “Kinky Melody” video

The exquisite Kinky Melody video by Dirty Stop Out is a lot like an evening with the Extra Action Marching Band, complete with a hella sexy horn section. But I don’t know if anyone’s even been whipped over a barrel at a gig… yet.

The exclusive, no sign-in direct link to the video is here. They explain:

Stop Out is a band created by Joe Corre and “Filthy” Luca Mainardi with The Clash’s Mick Jones and backed by a colorful band of vagabonds on a mission to revive the forgotten world of sexy, sweaty entertainment through an ever changing musical experience and interesting collaborations.

Extra Action did film a music video this last weekend, which I missed helping out on from sex ed training and then my subsequent exhaustion/illness. But here’s a snap from their hothot video shoot to illustrate my point, and you can let your imagination get all excited about what’s to come from EA after watching the Kinky Melody video:

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  1. Mainstream debauchery done in a colorful off kilter manner.For all its wretched excess…it works. If one would have told me that back in the 70s when I was listening to the Clash, that Mick Jones would appear in a manic,sensual lingerie commercial I would have laughed. BUT nothing beats that Kylie Minogue ,Agent Provocateur commercial. Kylie riding that electronic Bucking Bronco(more like an oversized Sybian) in front of an audience of one….classic.

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