Hump day links

cyan by merkley???

Image of Cyan from Zivity by Merkley??? whose h4wt book you should really buy.

Named after the always soothing Best of Babelogs: Hump Day Edition, <strike>which will be up any minute now… Until then,</strike> Still, I encourage you to read the sex blogs *for the articles*.

* They can’t do this before I make it to Osaka! In Japan, police have cracked down on Osaka’s “panty flashing clubs”, closing down the honorable businesses that allow patrons to see panties and more. “‘For a 500 yen tip, customers could get a fishing rod they were allowed to use to raise the waitresses’ skirts and then use a magnifying glass to get a really close look at their knickers,’ another regular tells Shukan Jitsuwa. ‘Some girls would even change their panties in front of customers for the right price.'”

* Hot blog girl of the week: Baby Sinead, whom I discovered through the comments at Fleshbot.

* When I end up like Ash in “Evil Dead 2” I’m not going to have any ordinary chainsaw strapped to the stump that used to be my hand until it became possessed with an evil demon and I had to chop it off and make it into a weapon. No, I’ll take the Luis Vuitton chainsaw, thanks. Oh, throw the Chanel rocket launcher in for good measure. I’ll blow the Necronomicon to bits. (thanks, Praemedia!)

designer chainsaw

* It’s M-M-M-Merkley??? week: he shot Cyan from Zivity (pictured) then this week Lux at Fleshbot gave Zivity a scathing review. Ow. Lux wanted pr0n more than 800085. I really like Zivity, too… Sorry! Update: new Cyan in the server room making, er, a glowing pickle!

* I haz your FAILcat this week.

* I spent way too much time in Time Out New York’s What’s Your Fantasy section this morning (it’s their What Turns You On? issue). Hideous Kinky was amusing, but I really wish they’d fix their Pick-A-Fetish Megachart link. Duhhrrr.

* Another shortsighted anti-porn lawmaker is trying to take military restrictions on porn even further, attempting to lower the “sexually explicit” threshold for magazines and materials sold on bases. Doesn’t U.S. Rep. Paul Broun, R-Ga have anything better to do than punish our already beleaguered soldiers? According to Stars and Stripes, “Broun, a Marine veteran, told Newsweek recently that the magazines sold in military exchanges are partly responsible for a rise in sexual assaults in the military and other problems. ‘Allowing the sale of pornography on military bases has harmed military men and women by: escalating the number of violent, sexual crimes; feeding a base addiction; eroding the family as the primary building block of society; and denigrating the moral standing of our troops both here and abroad,’ Broun says on his Web site.” One soldier preparing to back to the Middle East expressed dismay saying, “I’m not saying I’m depending on Maxim to keep me alive over there, but it helps.” (via Gawker)

* And finally, be careful what you say in public about your fetishes (thanks, D!)

chanel rocket launcher

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  1. @ mkb: ishotmyself gets way more graphic than Zivity ever will — and yay for that — because a) they let the women do whatever they want in their shoots, hence the name, and b) ishotmyself is quite comfortable with the fact they’re a porn site. (Disclaimers a plenty: I’m friends with the women behind ishotmyself, and I’ve also met Cyan once and found her to be very cool, as are all the Zivity peeps I’ve met.)

    @ Jonathan: ::smooch::

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