Anyone up for hot boy Thursdays?

hot boy thursday

Self-portrait by asyf.

For a couple of months I’ve been trying to come up with a nice addition to my infrequent, though popular “pretty girl fridays” and have had spotty luck tying to find the balance: art porn of cute guys, sometimes explicit, sometimes, not always interesting — and I’ve just given up trying to find “my type” of male depicted in porn or art nudes. (I just date my “type” instead and hope he’ll let me take photos once in a while…) But sometimes I just some across a sexy image like the one above that’s worth sharing. Anyone else up for “hot boy thursdays”?

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  1. Yes, yes, yes! I spend far too long looking at gay porn – and as a woman, why should I have to? There is very little decent stuff aimed at the female viewer. All too often, ‘female-friendly’ images of men include a woman and a white bathrobe nearby to make it all clean and safe. Just give me cock, sweat and tattoos! It’s fine, I can cope.

    Beautiful Men is one of my favourite sites:

    Also, did someone ask for pretty boys wanking?

    Looking forward to Thursdays! And thank you!

  2. “My eyes, the goggles do nothing!”
    I think that just confirmed that I’m not into HP slash LOL. It’s just not my bag, baby. Although giddy up, by all means, if you do. I was more thinking about photos of goth guys. I’m still looking and I’ll make a site when I find some good pics.

    Breanna, you should watch Tina Tyler’s “Handyman.” :)

  3. Thank fucking Christ. This is a very good idea and a pretty big hole in all of our lives – sometimes I wonder if anyone’s even making it. Now, what would really be sweet would be some pretty videos of boys wanking…

  4. Well, Ms. Naughty, ask and ye shall receive. Let me introduce you to one of the “hawtest” HP fanartists. Her facial expressions are just completely yummy.

    Harry/Draco (yes, they are of the age of consent in that drawing) NC-17

    Snape/Lupin NC-17 & cross dressing
    (Snape looks good in black lingerie!)

    More Snape/Lupin goodness

    That’s just to get you started.

  5. Another vote for hot boys from me :) I like your aesthetics.

    And Elizabeth, I’m taking notes… and laughing. Although yes, Sirius a la Gary Oldman is gorgeous. I’m hard pressed to think of any site that offers gothy-type guys… Must look into this…

  6. More hot boyz. Actually, more hot MEN please. Something long, lean, a bit on the pale side, dark hair (raven locks), men who look uber bright….something like a 35-ish Alan Rickman in Snape clothes? Buttons, buttons, all those delicious buttons in Victoriana repression and leg-hugging tight pants. Adrien Brody look alikes and other long drinks of water with dark eyes and dark hair gladly will be drooled over. Le pant… Hmmm, must send you links to R & NC-17 HP fan art. Snape… Snape and Sirius in hot slashy goodness. *Drools*

  7. YES please!!! Thank you thankyouthankyou

    I hear you though: I’ll never forget my utter disappointment at discovering that “Sweet Action Magazine” (which was supposed to be hot porn for straight chicks, sold briefly at American Apparel) had almost no full frontal nudity in at at all, and no asses whatsoever. what a buzzkill.

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