Month: February 2008

I don’t need to explain my long, torrid, explicit affair with your brand, iTunes podcast stats, and products. I just feel like our relationship is — in trouble. No, it’s not about your boss, I know authority is out of control in anyone’s workplace. And it’s not that we don’t talk anymore, or that I’m…

Image: Rubella, knitting nerd via Nerd Girl X. I got an exclusive gallery from Nerd Girl X (thank you NGX!) where the nerdiness ranges from yarn to gaming and beyond — *lots* of girls with glasses, yay: and I put together a really incredible mini-list of fleshy-glamorous Rio Carnaval 2008 Flickr sets from last weekend……

Update 2, 4:30 PST: Still up and down (heh) depending where you are, so it’s a catching/proxy issue? Depending on where you are, some RedTube URLs will redirect you to a site selling websapce (spamtabulousness). No reports of malware so far. Update: site’s back up, that was a quick fix the porn now flows freely…

Instructables: DIY on making out

I just got finished doing my (highly enjoyable) duty as a judge in the Instructables 2008 Laser Cutter contest, where the winner gets a $15,000 VersaLaser. There are 14 incredible finalists, and winners will be announced Monday afternoon-ish. But after culling the 14 tutorials, I spotted this funny “Instructable”: How to make out. It goes…