Get smart: The Smart Girl’s Guide to the G-spot is here!

gspotcover.jpgI’ve got three new books out that I’m just now getting a chance to blog about. Part of the lag time has been because my publisher hasn’t gotten me copies of the books, which is unusual and more than a bit frustrating — especially when the way I discovered my new book Smart Girl’s Guide to the G-Spot was out was when I saw Gram’s review of it on Fleshbot. You know, the blog I write for. So weird.

I’m still waiting for my mine, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t get your own copy of what might be the fiercest book I’ve ever written about sex. As I grow in power as a sex writer (after the accident with the double doses of radiation, Liquid Silk, a Swarovski USB drive, a JimmyJane Little Chroma and a P2P copy of Kinsey) — I get to write about sex more and more however the fuck I want. So, in the Smart Girl’s Guide to the G-Spot I dish out the accurate sex info and take no prisoners when it comes to girls coming. Read the intro (after the jump) to see what I mean.

My favorite line: “We’re not searching for a mythical magic button buried somewhere in our pussies; we’re constructing a doomsday device in the basement.”

This book is my fatwa on hippie goddess books about women’s sexuality and guys who say (on their websites, ahem) that female ejaculation is pee. Your time is up.

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Thoughts On Becoming Supreme Master Overlord of Your G-Spot

The G-spot is not a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma. It is a place in your body. In my body. It’s a real, tangible thing, like my breasts and your clitoris, and you can even see it. But for some reason, lots of people seem to think the g-spot is a myth. Or a rumor. Or something only for the granola-and-Birkenstocks crowd, who call it the “goddess spot” and claim we tap into our “inner wisdom” when we go hunting around for it. No — it’s a real thing, and it makes you come, hard, period. No deep wisdom, soul-searching or goddess worship necessary. But a little knowledge helps.

That’s why I had to write this g-spot guide for smart girls like me. There are way, way too many guys online who think that watching porn or reading other people’s websites gives them the knowledge to spout off about what is and isn’t up with the g-spot and female ejaculation — often getting facts wrong in horrifyingly shaming ways. And the books out there were either piecemeal, dated, or intended an audience of women who wanted a spiritual experience — when all I wanted was to figure out how to get off.

Nothing spoke to me, or it offended and scared me. It seemed like no one could just talk about the g-spot in plain, even fun, terms. It either got glossed oven in terms of explaining a mystery of some kind, or had to be cloaked in feminist reclaiming or Mother Earth context, as if the people doing the explaining had to give the g-spot some kind of extra validation to make it okay to talk about in the first place. Which, rather than turning me on and making me want to get out the lube, has the same effect as a Thorazine dart. It puts any wild animal — or horny smart girl — to sleep.

Maybe what I’m saying here is blasphemy to some readers. So I want to encourage you to think of this as more than just a g-spot guide for smart girls, but also for girls who want to be just a little bit more fierce about their sexuality. We’re not reclaiming the g-spot here; we’re making plans for orgasmic lawlessness. We’re not searching for a mythical magic button buried somewhere in our pussies; we’re constructing a doomsday device in the basement. We’re not worried that we might pee ourselves with pleasure (because we won’t); we’re ramping up to feel really, really good about our bad selves. It’s like that.

This book has attitude, and a lot of helpful information, too. In the first chapter you’ll find out what the big deal is about the g-spot, what’s real, and what’s not, and why it has such an annoying name. Next, you get your map to the Batcave (a g-spot anatomy lesson), then you learn how to activate your g-spot/orgasm doomsday device by learning how to stimulate it, how it feels, and all the essentials on what to look for and how to proceed. Toys and techniques are covered, and in the following chapter you’ll learn how to share your new toy with a lover (including g-spot-centric sexual positions). Female ejaculation is demystified, explained and you’ll find lots of troubleshooting tips on wet spots and the like; after that, if you’re ready for more, you’ll find a chapter on intensifying the experience with anal, oral, S/M or fisting. At the end there’s a huge resource chapter with further reading, online shopping recommendations and safer sex info.

So, take a deep breath, leave the granola and disinformation behind, and get ready to come like a crazed hyena.

Violet Blue

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