Month: March 2009

Image of the deelishus Merrick Monroe. Seriously: can’t CP80 just be taken out back and shot? As usual, they’re unleashing a huge cut and paste email campaign amongst their believers to control other people’s sexuality, this time aimed at ICANN. Ugh! Snip from Mormons demand ICANN plugs net smut hole: Mormon anti-pornography activists led by…

Image of Russell Blackwood and Kara Emry in “Private Room Number 6” from Thrillpeddlers’ “Audacious Artefacts: Parisian Grand Guignol” by David Allen Studio. In this week’s SF Chron column, I get to sink my teeth into vintage-turned-modfetish porn shock theater in Truly Obscene Thrills: Local theater company The Thrillpeddlers delivers wonderfully pornographic Parisian Grand Guignol.…

Haha, the headlines said: Conservative states pay for porn! OMFG, what *news*. Image by the ever-talented tanguero (BLOCK, rinse, repeat). In the SF Chron online this week, I skewered the media over the really kind of weird porn study that showed conservative US states are the biggest porn buyers. Notoriously, ones that voted for McCain…

It seems that my favorite serialized webcomic Tasty Flesh has been having some major plot developments — every zombie outbreak has a great backstory. This one’s not to be missed… Here are a few cherry-picked highlights; there’s been much more, both before and after these panels came out. Start here. Or after the outbreak in…