Month: September 2008

Like most everyone I know right now, I’m too emotionally wrecked to do anything. Except watch videos and write… Zombie strippers and vintage boob-tastic sexploitation after the jump. First, a propaganda piece that, with a few minor updates, could be easily shown on Fox News today (and possibly be renamed “The Pernicious Evils of Sexbloggers”):

From McClatchy, Washington Bureau: Under Palin, Wasilla charged rape victims for exam. Snip: Two state leaders lashed out at the public record of Gov. Sarah Palin on Wednesday as witnesses in a new “Alaska Mythbusters” forum coordinated by supporters of Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama. Speaking to a teleconference audience of reporters around the nation,…

Image by famed San Francisco prostitute (and aristroctrat) photographer Albert Arthur Allen, via brooke8trout. According to a new November ballot measure (Prop K) here in San Francisco we’re trying to make the ‘world’s oldest profession’ that for some weird reason ‘won’t go away’ not legal per se, but decriminalized. For a lot of really good…

Image by nedrosen. I started Digita Pub almost exactly a year ago (here’s my manifesto about why I wanted to make and encourage non-proprietary DRM-free ebook and audiobook content for all devices). Now it looks like another contender is stepping up to the plate and they have the talents of skilled erotica writer and editrix…