Month: August 2007

Recycle your sex toys? Hell yes, and for a good cause

Image of the *superlative* rabbit vibe via my friends, Stockroom. Sounds yucky, but it looks like it’s a “greening” of the sex toy industry in a whole new incarnation. It seems that in the UK, new recycling regulations mean all electrical equipment (like ‘novelty’ toys) must be disposed of at a designated electrical waste collection…

Over on techyum, apols for the xpost but it’s important: No, really. It’s an actual Security Focus study, not some sexual compulsive religious nut ‘testifying’ before congress (I mean, another dubious study fabricated by the American Family Association). Check it out and read the whole damning thing, snip: School kids are more careful than community…

I have a corset fetish, and I don’t even own a corset — they’re so expensive, and never seem as beautiful and stunning as the one worn above, by Dahlia Dark. Anyone know where I can find one like this? This, to me, is the perfect corset. I want, I lust, I wish… And Dahlia,…

Apologies for taking a few days off around here, as I’ve been alternately *actually having sex* and doing some very, very emotionally difficult writing. For the past two weeks, I’ve been working on writing down all my experiences of living on the streets as a teen. It’s all flooding back. It’s crazy. It’s been making…

No, really. They asked me. In negotiation, but prelim answer is yes. We’ll be talking about women and porn, and that book I wrote. She wants me to be the ‘female porn expert.’ Thoughts? Also, looks like I’m going to be on the altporn panel at the LA Erotic Film Fest. Donations of cupcakes, bandwidth,…