Month: July 2007

In my most recent post about Flickr censoring my photos *again* even after the very same photos had been officially approved by Flickr (I’m still waiting for them to fix the rest, please un-censor me, kthxbye), I suggested that someone ought to “write an article called ‘The MySpacing of Flickr.” Well, my dear friend Thomas…

Thanks to my pal at Poor Mojo Newswire, I present you with Rammstein’s Sonne video (Wiki page) — featuring a sexy Snow White spanking and enslaving hunky miners in service to her gold-dust huffing addiction. Snow White is played by gorgeous Russian actress Joulia Stepanova. Very entertaining, very Rammstein.

This is one of the many (now) restricted photos: Okay, this service is now totally unreliable. Suggestions, anyone? Update: Here’s a Flickr photo extractor someone wrote (for pulling all your photos out of Flickr and moving them to another service) called Migratr. Scroll to the bottom for the new version. Update: I received this email:…

Image via my new Flickr crush, santacroceisabella. I just wrote a nearly 3000-word intro to Best Women’s Erotica 2008, got all the author and editor bios together, and turned them in. Phew! Now, would someone take pictures of me like this one? So hot.