Nebraska considered harmful

If you work for a state program in Nebraska, you can’t use the word “sex” or “sexual” in any of your public media. The state government of Nebraska hasn’t outright stated that they’re “doing it for the children” but what they’re doing right now is certainly destroying the children (and poor) by withholding sex information. Their pro-life Gov. Dave Heineman decided (and his staff agreed) that all Department of Human Health Services programs (and those that get funding) should “avoid controversy” — specifically sexual language — in all media. That means brochures about diabetes with a list of possible symptoms relating to sex, removed. The word “sexual” was censored off the HIV prevention program website and they were not allowed to announce National Condom Week. You know, I’ll just let the Nebraska Planned Parenthood worker in my inbox tonight tell you how it is. Snip from her email:

My job as an sex educator is solely prevention and information. EVERY SINGLE DAY I talk to teens who are hurt physically and emotionally by the withholding of vital sexual health information. I have kids cry in my office because their parents, teachers, or other caregivers NEVER talked to them honestly about sex or healthy relationships. By the time one student made it to my office, she had two pregnancies, one of which was terminated because her much older boyfriend threw her down the stairs at 7 months pregnant. The other, a miscarriage at the age of 13…too afraid to tell anyone she bled profusely by herself. The mentor who brought her into my office later reported to me that she actually jumped up and down because she finally, FINALLY, had the sex talk with someone. This information served a good purpose, but how would her life been different if it had occurred years earlier????

Here’s a link to the Journal Star story detailing their censorship of the word sex, and policies to eliminate gay and lesbian programs, such as, “HHSS Director Chris Peterson explained the department’s decision this way: Diversity teams must limit topics to the protected classes under federal law. Homosexuals are not a protected class.”

Would someone, please, think of the children? (Thanks, Matt!)

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