Month: June 2007

I started using the photo sharing service Flickr last November as the request of my sweetheart; I started really maximizing my use of the site as I enjoyed its social networking features, and at the urging of my host Laughing Squid to integrate my photoblogging and regular blogging. In my Flickr photostream I have pictures…

Snip from Shopping For Sex At The Supermarket: Marina Safeway: Hot or not?: In the Market Street Safeway, the cucumbers are really big. I don’t know if that’s because they’re genetically modified with elephant cells or if that’s because it’s the Safeway closest to the Castro. I’m guessing it’s a bit of both. I was…

I just found out that a friend of mine was in a bad motorcycle accident last night. She’s been a big part of many amazing underground art events, communities and she’s always been there with energy and wickedly playful enthusiasm (and her camera) throughout many years of SRL shows, Burning Man events and more. If…