Month: March 2007

…is very, very hot (and is, in fact, keeping me warm on a cold SF night) — and having finished two big articles in the past two days (thus my silence here), I offer you a toasty, erotically compelling link to Fabrice Robin’s wonderful nude work. Via my pal ponyboy at ponyXpress. Doh! Update: I…

I got a tour of friday afternoon, and convinced Chris Kalev, their purchasing manager, to demonstrate an electrified single-tail whip (violet wand powered) for me. He burned his arm (and broke a toy) for vlogging! What’s awesome (besides the fact that with my new-ish camera I can edit video now) is that Stockroom flew…

Even though Miss Slutsky *scooped* my own blog announcement… ! It’s official today (friday): I am now represented by ICM. Tonight I’m home alone avec kitten after much hectic travel, reflecting (video from right after I finished the last signing). When I was 14, I stood on streets not far from this apartment asking people…

Just saw this, snip: Software filters work much better than a 1998 federal law designed to keep pornography away from children on the Internet, a federal judge ruled Thursday in striking down the measure on free-speech grounds. Senior U.S. District Judge Lowell Reed Jr. also said the Child Online Protection Act fails to address threats…

Just got to my hotel — the funkiest, cutest old-school Hollywood hotel imaginable (in fact, there is a movie being filmed here right now, in the lobby). I feel like I’ve flown back in time to old Hollywoodland days here, as the style is crazily Santa-Fe refurbished Art Deco, and if I didn’t feel retro-glam…

That’s the title of this week’s Chron/SFGate column, snip: From Barbary Coast days to the Beatnik era, the life of the San Francisco sketch artist has always held a romantic, nay, a racy allure. I’ve always imagined that someday I could pry myself away from the blogging and sexing to pick up a more bohemian…

Embedded after the jump! Ever one to put people on the spot who I someday may need to ask for help, I pulled out my video camera on a visit to San Francisco’s EFF offices and asked cyberlawyer and staff attorney Jason Schultz if he blogs “on the first date”. You can tell how surprised…

A bit of silence today — getting my affairs in order and deadlines met before leaving for LA tomorrow morning. Like usual around this blog, it’s just the calm before the storm: I’ll be blogging the whole trip, from the moment Thomas and I get off the plane and do a tour of Stockroom, the…