Month: October 2006

It’s so not fair that this movie isn’t coming out *right fucking now* or at least in time for Halloween. I mean, it’s got Tom Fucking Savini starring in it, filthy babysitters, zombies, lots of violence and boobies, and Rose McGowan as a grindhouse stripper with a motherfucking MACHINE GUN FOR A LEG. Grind House…

My Chronicle/SFGate column is up: Litquake’s Sexquake — This Year’s Down-and-Dirty Lit Crawl is intended to be a one-stop shopping guide to our local LitCrawl, with a focus on all the literate smutsters reading in the 150+ writer, drinking and carousing evening in the Mission this saturday. Read the article about details on all the…

And now begins the Halloween porn and erotica, thanks to my pal David and today’s ingestion of Robitussin. David sent me a link to this super-sexy photo, but being the kind of girl who gets all giddy upon discovery of blogs like the Dapper Cadaver Blog, I treated myself to a scrolldown and found this…

A Liz Vicious: Batgirl gallery. Tuesdays should always be yummy, don’t you think? Her cookie-cutter porn site has some explicit previews on it, wow (and I’m sure the ‘blog’ post I’ve linked to is splog promo for the paysite — but enjoy the free eye candy, for sure).

It’s cupcake pink, it’s all about robots and it’s run by a badazz robot grrrl! Suicide Bots tried to launch softly last night (::poof!::) somewhere between midnight and Arthur Ganson‘s secret fetish for girls who sit in buttercream pastries… and I’m making the launch a little *firmer* by announcing it here. I mean, come on…

Three new podcasts

Why? because clearly I am insane with fever and sickness of the sex kind, at least. I actually have a chest cold, so I’ve been all cooped up in my flat on cold medicine all weekend writing my column and being a podcast dork — don’t ask me why when I have a sore throat…

I seem to have a fever and chest cold; last night I muddled my way through beginning my next book but had to retire to bed all fuzzy-headed. That was after having a lovely lunch with my best friend Thomas, spilling all my boy troubles on him, and him telling me that the next time…

Wim Delvoye’s collection of BDSM-themed sexy x-ray stained glass, leather-and-spikes Folsom Street Fair inspired birdhouses, x-ray kisses and more, is truly stunning. Of course, my fetishes were fluffed by this gorgeous gothic Caterpillar bucketloader. The gallery begins here; first blogged by my friends at

… the woman who sent me this particularly venomous email via my Chronicle address would have known *not* to send it from her Washington Mutual work email address. But aside from how bad she needs to read this tutorial about email privacy, I think it’s insanely amusing to get this inbox missive (an hour ago)…