Linky tidbits

* Health SciTech article: Women’s Brains React Surprisingly Fast to Erotic Images. Snip:

“Previous research indicated men are more aroused by erotic images than women, so Anokhin and his colleagues expected women to respond with lower levels of brain activity compared to men.

“‘But that was not the case,’ Anokhin said. ‘Women have responses as strong as those seen in men.'”

* Farkiness to hilariousness: If College-Themed Porn Were Real. Snip:

Situation One: The Naughty Student
Cindi, an attractive student with a large rack, walks up to the desk of her professor.

Cindi: Is there anything I can do to raise this grade?
Professor: Some students do extra credit work.
Cindi: (has sex with him)

Cindi: Is there anything I can do to raise this grade?
Professor: Some students do extra credit work.
Cindi: Like what?
Professor: A seven- to ten-page report about the economic principles behind trade rules in a Micronesian country of your choosing.
Cindi: Oh. That makes sense and is an appropriate extra credit assignment for the course.

* Traveling this month? Bookmark the Google Map strip club mashup. Here’s California — the closer you get to a city, the more you see — still, the SF map is missing our gay strip clubs, the Lusty Lady and O’Farrell/Mitchell Brothers.

Update: A Lusty Lady dancer/owner writes me on the way to her shift, “reason i think it’s missing those clubs? those are the only one’s in sf not owned by mega-corporate giant deja vu. xxx (& thx for the link)

* And finally, don’t miss Anna Logue’s hot updates on her free nerdpr0n blog (picture via).

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