Month: September 2005

I’m oh-so-happy to be mentioned today in my local weekly, The San Francisco Bay Guardian, who in their article “By the numbers: Our top 20 favorite things about sex this year” have me and Open Source Sex at #7! (Also check this list if you’re visiting this weekend for Folsom and want extra-curricular activities.) I…

Seen today at Fleshbot, a fairly massive walk/shutout at Suicide Girls — I’ve been getting emails from my friends who are (now) former SG models for about a week about the “ghosting” of models, and trying to follow the posts here and here and here. I’ve always had misgivings about their reluctance to get anywhere…

I’m starting to realize that if you read my blog regularly, it’s a lot like dating me. And if we were indeed dating, dear reader, I’d like to remind you of two things you might want to do to help Hurricane Katrina victims while making your life a much sexier place, indeed. One: you have…

… But I’m not sure why most people can find me, while a few others can’t. Truth be told, it’s all out of my hands anyway, though I have to say I seriously doubt foul play, even though I overreacted in my last post; I am after all, an Apple fetishist and now have it…

As if things weren’t difficult enough for me right now… A listener/reader has let me know that my podcast is no longer listed in iTunes; the direct link to my iTunes page works, but search for my name, my podcast, or sex, and Open Source Sex is gone. I wonder who else they’ve done this…

Today I finally have my head above water, unlike the citizens of New Orleans, whose heads were held under by our federal government just long enough to drown. Jonno and I still can’t get through to each other by phone (cell or land line), but we’ve somehow been able to leave messages for each other…

I got this email from my pal erotic writer Sage Vivant (we’ve worked together quite often over the years) about a writer in our community, and felt I should reprint it here as I know several people who will want to know that Jamie is okay: “Today we learned that New Orleans-based erotica writer Jamie…

The hot straight girl (with glasses) sent me this audio clip of New Orleans Mayor Nagin (via C&L, MP3 file). I cried and cried and cried, while trying to finish a harrowing week site managing Fleshbot. Listen to it. All the way to the end. You have to. It made me very, very pissed off…

I live in San Francisco, but the situation in New Orleans has stopped my life. I have a lot to explain and share, but for now I’m the site manager at Fleshbot and will be for an unforseeable amount of time. Jonno is safe and dry, though things are still intense. I just found this…