Month: May 2004

Today I was a bit depressed. That means I was out of sorts — depression is a total stranger to me. I kind of didn’t know what to do. I found myself on my bed at three in the afternoon really unhappy. I had a hideous to-do list of work waiting for me in my…

I have just now come to accept that I am going to get little work done today, thanks to my king-sized hangover. My head feels like it’s the size of Texas. But at least I had a lot of fun putting myself in this condition, at a friend’s housewarming party last night. I imbibed in…

Holy cow, I cleaned out my inbox and realized I have over fifty emails from Tiny Nibbles readers I have not responded to — I’m sorry! Get the paddle. I promise that soon I’ll lock myself in my office with a few delicious inebriants and my digital camera, and won’t come out until responses are…

I’m still catching up. Last Sunday I had the sheer pleasure of speaking at San Francisco Sex Information, the local (though national) sex hotline. They are one of the most needed and fantastic resources in the world — you can call or email them with literally *any* question about sex imaginable, and they have a…

It’s been a couple of days, over two dozen hours of sleep and a good bottle of pinot noir since my trip to LA, and I’m still sorting the whole thing out in my head. No, I didn’t get a column or a picture deal, or any bunnies, but my experience with the Playboy TV…

All right: my bags are packed, my last-minute list is on the kitchen table and I’m really wondering if I’m going to get any sleep tonight. Tomorrow morning I leave for LA — for exactly 30 hours in Los Angeles. I get picked up at the airport by a Playboy van, will be whisked to…

Okay, so yesterday some guy came into the store and tried to return condoms. I know what you’re thinking — ew. It wasn’t quite like that, but he definitely had some issues. He had a handful of condoms still in their wrappers and said, "they don’t work." When asked what didn’t work about them, he…

Skip this entry if you’re looking for sex; I’ve been on a work binge sans orgasms. This soon shall pass. My weekend was a work weekend: wrote Friday night till late, then woke up Saturday at one. Wrote all day and night to try and finish one of the four books I have on my…