Category: Sex News

rant: Looks like porn industry magazine, mouthpiece and organizer of the porn awards show (you know, the people who tell the media that porn makes five gazillion dollars a year) AVN has a little problem with crediting information sources online — much like their mainstream media counterparts, hmmm. Hey — if MSM can selectively credit…

When I write my column for the Chronicle/SFGate, I don’t expect to get too fucked with as writer, though after the years of seeing how typically slanted and sex-negative the mainstream media is about sex and porn, I knowingly *hope* for fair treatment. Last week I wrote a column about altporn, and interviewed the top…

I watch for noteworthy news all day long, and when those typical porn hysteria headlines pop up on Google News repeatedly — like this week’s mass-marketed line about children being exposed to unwanted porn on the scary, uncontrollable internets — I don’t even want to waste a post on them. However, I just caught this…

Colorado Springs’ Rev. Ted Haggard (he of the Greek-flavored hookers and alleged biker speed parties and well-lubed, where’s-my-manhole-cover denials) has been “pronounced ‘Completely Heterosexual’”. Update: A sends me this hilarious video showing the explanation for Haggard’s homosexuality cure. Also, a number of readers have emailed me about this item in outrage and dismay at the…

* My two favorite new blogs this week: and * Blogfriend Vince at the Liberty Guys emails me this morning to say, “As I suspected – Republican Texas governor Rick Perry’s motives for mandating HPV vaccination aren’t exactly pure.” Vince and I have been having some interesting back and forth emails about the…