As you may know, Steve Jobs is fighting the good fight and offering a world free from porn. First post credit goes to TechCrunch ( Freedom From Porn ( is a sign improvement group and highly organized, dangerous thought experiment showing the world what might happen if the world Steve Jobs is protecting us from were to actually manifest. As you can see, children on the street attending yesterday’s WWDC are NOT SAFE from pornography in a horrible world such as this, and only in Gay Satan’s own San Francisco would this be allowed to happen. Okay, maybe it wasn’t actually allowed to happen, just like you’re not allowed to exist from the waist down, or possibly even the waist up in Steve’s brave new over-17-content-free world. But when someone says they’re giving you freedom while taking something away, there’s bound to be errorist groups like this.
What a horrible world.
If you see more of these, take a pic and I’ll post it (with links, etc.)
Their statement reads:
Dear Steve,
You don’t want people looking at vaginas on the tablet you named after a feminine hygiene product? Something smells fishy.Sincerely,
Dudes who like pornP.S. If you agree that porn is great, you should send your favorite vids to
Music: When I’m Small – Phantogram
Now, let’s play spot the brands…

Quick update: I want to point you to an Apple signage prank that now has an eerie resonance: the Billboard Liberation Front’s improvements to Apple’s “Think Different” campaign. They were “Think Doomed” and “Think Disillusioned.” Read the text to see why they’re more than someone just being bratty with signs. (Also, I’ve had the delight of speaking with BLF’s Jack Napier more than once.)
This is gonna seem corny I bet, but eh, here goes:
Blow Jobs = Sexy!
Hand Jobs = Sexy!
Foot Jobs = Sexy!
Steve Jobs = Way too sexy for any of the above.
(insert fake laughter, har-hars, and lulz here)
Awesome awesome awesome! I’m hoping Jobs comes to rue that remark, one day.
Steve Jobs doesn’t want a world without porn. He just doesn’t want to sell porn. He’s doing nothing to prevent porn from being accessed in Mobile Safari, which is where 99% or porn would be accessed anyway. Expecting him to sell porn apps in his iTunes store is like expecting Target to start selling porn in its electronics department, or Nintendo to start licensing porn apps for the Wii. Meanwhile, the iPad has a nice big screen that can render images and play H.264 video just fabulous, and there is the wide open web…
The App Store ≠ the world.
Starting to think that all Apple and all things related really are an evil super power. Must they stick their noses (or choose to be offended where others stick their noses! ;) ) in to everything! He has every right to be anti porn and to do what anyone else who is anti porn should do… just not watch it! There really is no need to try and control everyone and everything just because something does not suit you. If he doesn’t like it or agree with it then it doesn’t need to be part of his life but no way should he be dictating to the rest of the world that they shouldn’t like it either. I can’t imagine the kind of world we would live in minus porn and I’m a woman! I don’t want more shaming and sexual politics and lets face it this is about control. Like being a woman and dealing with other views on your sexuality isn’t hard enough they plan to make it more of a taboo. No, thank you.
thank you! it looks like they had a lot of fun, and did a great job lining everything up. fun!
Ahahaha! I LOL’d like crazy at those Facebook pages. Too funny! Very good post, VB. <3
I have to say, if thats a world that is being implemented by Apple, is VERY! scary to me. But in A way, I feel that we need to realize that as a community moderation and self respect needs to be placed on the path of futurist sex. I would like to say for me, having a positive and frank openness about Sex and pornography needs to occur more frequently and yet, we should be able to practice Love and cherish the reality of how powerful sex can be to a single culture.
For me, Having the outlet to explore my own fantasies and the possibilities that our sexual bodies and identities have, should be embraced and cared for. I feel like Mr. Steve Jobs is only trying to moderate the over saturation of Pornography and bring a more balance to that reality.
I for one enjoy My porn and the many forms it comes in. But the idea of making something taboo and wrong, is in fact a booster to making it more enjoyable, treasured in my opinion. I Really feel like there is a need now to embrace the closeness and exciting closeness that being with another person and touching another person is EVEN beyond any form of happiness that any kind of Pornography scene can bring to me. TOuching the body and caressing it Is all I need to really be sexually satisfied. BUt yet, having the rawness the Porn brings and putting it out there, Is very important as well.
More Sex positive talk and discussion is needed.
This Totally reminds me of Fight Club. Long live Project Mayhem!!