The Ig Nobel awards are given every year by The Annals of Improbable Research to, as Annals puts it, the purveyors of “research that makes you laugh, then think.” The caption-crazed felines I know would call that a LOLWHUT, as in “LOL!…whut?” I’m on record as thinking that the Ig Nobel awards display, alongside their…
Image by the amazing Exey Panteleev. Women’s magazines have a bad rap these days. They get ridiculed for being out of touch with today’s woman, overusing sex to sell units, promising sexual tricks they can’t possibly deliver, missing the mark by oversimplifying male sexuality, and trading on female insecurities to move magazines. We’ve had a…
The odors and tastes found between women’s thighs have had volumes of euphemisms written to commemorate, or denigrate, their uniquenesses. While researching my book The Ultimate Guide to Cunnilingus, I encountered oceans of euphemisms, yet little actual information about the way women smell and taste. Women and men who enjoy performing cunnilingus will gush enthusiastically…
Fellatio, when given with skill and enthusiasm, is wonderful to get — virtually any man will attest to this fact. Just the same, the reverse can be true; giving head can be incredibly arousing for the person going down. But for the giver, fellatio has a multitude of factors that can conspire to make the…
Praised by edgy, witty science writer Mary Roach as “Helpful, hip, wise and savvy,” I’m honored that my book The Ultimate Guide to Fellatio 2nd Edition is a bestseller and the top pick of sex educators (and lovers of all genders) worldwide. I’m a professional sex educator and my first two guidebooks were about oral…
In early June, the Chronicle/SF Gate devoted a few miles of HTML to an article about the “G-Shot”. This is a new procedure where women who feel (or are convinced they feel) G-Spot inadequacy, have a shot of collagen injected into their urethra. The idea behind the G-Shot is ostensibly to swell up the urethral…